We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing
— George Bernard Shaw

Movement is Medicine


Training & Mobility

I have been in the health and fitness industry for over 12 years and truly believe there are no limits to what our bodies can do when they are strong, balanced, and healthy.

Through group classes, community events, one-on-one sessions, social media and virtual training, I motivate others to live their healthiest lives. Leveraging my background in yoga, holistic nutrition and natural health, I offer a holistic approach to achieving clients’ fitness goals. I focus on the importance of body awareness and movement to help correct muscle imbalances, strengthen the body and mind, and help with recovery.

My philosophy is to promote sustainable training methods and ensure clients are pain free, educated and empowered when it comes to their bodies and the way they move.


Conscious Influencer

I value authenticity above all and it is reflected in my day-to-day interactions, relationships and posts. The brands I choose to work with always align with and reflect my values of transparency, making a positive impact in peoples’ lives, and minimizing our environmental footprint.

Brands using toxic chemicals and processes are often the most destructive to our natural world and to our long term health. Unfortunately these brands are also the ones willing to pay the most for promotion. This is why I only choose to work with brands who align with my values—putting the wellbeing of my community above monetary gain.


Holistic EDventures

Holistic EDventures provides immersive retreats and workshops, born in 2016 as a result of my own personal healing journey.

I was at a point in my life where I felt I had no purpose, no motivation, struggling with my mental and emotional health. Searching for something, anything, to get me out of my rut, I came across this quote: “You cannot heal in the same environment that made you sick.”

With this mantra top of mind, the opportunity to travel to Cambodia presented itself. With only credit to my name, I took the leap of faith. The experience allowed me to see myself through a new lens. Giving me the space to find my purpose, my creativity and be more appreciative of all the blessings in my life….no matter how small.

Wanting to share this profound impact with others, I founded Holistic EDventures to enable others to experience transformation through adventure.


Virtual Classes

Weekly Zoom Sessions


Sweat and Tonic

Group class instructor in Toronto and online



1-on-1 Training, Mobility & Rehab Work